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Library Catalogue University of Johannesburg
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Type the keyword you want to find. For example:
  • good to great
  • Indian cooking
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Search Tips
Adjacency Multiple words are searched together as one phrase.
Example : world health organization
Wildcards Words may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk. '*' for 1-5 characters, '**' for open-ended truncation, '?' to replace a single character anywhere within a word.
Examples : environment* polic*, comput**, wom?n
Boolean Operators Use "and" or "or" to specify multiple words in any field, any order. Use "and not" to exclude words.
Example : stocks and bonds
Example : (alaska or canada) and (adventure and not vacation)
Proximity Operators Use "near" to specify words close to each other, in any order.
Example : california near university
Field limits A field limit causes the system to search only the specified field for the specified word(s).
Grouping Keyword search results are usually grouped by relevance to bring the most likely titles to the top of the list. Each group represents a similar level of relevance and results are sorted within the group by date or title. To get an ungrouped result set, use boolean operators to form a complex query.
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